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Foot Odor: Causes and Treatment

Struggling with smelly feet? Learn more about its causes and how you can naturally prevent foot odor

Let’s face it. Taking care of our feet is not a topic we always want to talk about. Although important, it is often overlooked. And only when we start having troubles of our own with stinky, sweaty feet will we pay attention to practicing good foot hygiene. But before we jump right into these practices, it is important to know why we get foot odor in the first place.

What causes foot odor?

For most people, perspiration is the main cause of foot odor. Both of our feet combined have over 250,000 sweat glands. The sweat coming from these glands causes odor-producing moisture to our feet that eventually goes to our socks and shoes, even without doing vigorous activities. What more if you are physically active, living in warmer weather, and always wearing closed-toe shoes? However, perspiration is not the only thing to blame for our smelly feet. Sometimes, it is the acid byproducts and fungal growth, such as athlete’s foot, that results from bacteria and sweat buildup.

How can I prevent or treat foot odor?

Good foot hygiene is essential for the prevention and treatment of foot odor. Among the best practices to avoid having stinky feet is to change shoes and socks daily – frequently disinfecting and drying them, especially the insoles. In relation to this, always make sure to dry wet feet before wearing socks or shoes. And of course, proper hygiene is nothing without thoroughly washing your feet with a mild antibacterial soap everyday. As for what products to use, a foot powder like Snow Fresh Tawas Powder provides a convenient and natural remedy for smelly feet. Since it has astringent and antiseptic effects, Tawas or Alum Powder has the ability to eliminate odor-causing bacteria while absorbing moisture from the feet. For the best results, make sure to apply it to clean and dry feet regularly.


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